Loud solutions for discreet needs

Frequently asked Questions


The speed of hair regrowth will depend on each individual. Naturally, the hair at the end of the follicle falls away over time, and the root of the hair start to grow with its natural colour. This may become visible from five days to a week after the application of the product depending on the grow hair of each person.

Please bear in mind that this is a cosmetic product and thereby it has to be used on healthy skin. It’s mechanism of action is local, and it only acts at a superficial level, aiming to lighten the body hair of the area where the product is applied. Always consult the patient information leaflet included with the product before use and follow any necessary safety precautions outlined within.

The application of the product is temporary, we advise completely removing the product after 10-15 minutes with water, so that the product does not remain on the skin. As a precaution, we advise you wait for a minimum of one hour after completing each treatment before sunbathing. Always consult the patient information leaflet included with the product before use and follow any necessary safety precautions outlined within.

You can repeat the process as many times as you like, however only repeat the process consecutively twice. Do not exceed two applications in the same area in the same day, if further applications in the same area are necessary then wait 24 hours before a third and fourth application.

The scope of a cosmetic product is to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs). The product should never be used internal and/or mucous parts of the body. Always consult the patient information leaflet included with the product before use and follow any necessary safety precautions outlined within.

Do not use the product after a hot bath or shower, wait until the skin is completely cool/normal temperature before use. Always consult the patient information leaflet included with the product before use and follow any necessary safety precautions outlined within.

If the hair is not completely decoloured then repeat the process once more. If after two applications the hair is still not decoloured to your satisfaction, then wait for 24 hours and then proceed with another application.

Health and Safety

Always ensure that you carry out a patch test before using the product if you are concerned about being allergic/sensitive to the product. To do this, simply mix a small amount of the product as per the instructions of use found in the patient information leaflet and apply the mixture to a 5x5cm patch on your arm. After 10 minutes wash the product off your skin with cold water and wait for 24 hours. If any redness, irritation or sensitivity occur refrain from using the product and if necessary, consult your doctor. Always consult the patient information leaflet included with the product before use and follow any necessary safety precautions outlined within.

Wash the cream off with cold water and refrain from using for 24 hours. If irritability continues do not repeat the treatment and consult your healthcare provider. Always consult the patient information leaflet included with the product before use and follow any necessary safety precautions outlined within.

Wash immediately with cold water and consult your doctor. Always consult the patient information leaflet included with the product before use and follow any necessary safety precautions outlined within.

Avoid use in skin areas suffering alteration such as irritation, redness or cracks due to abdominal distension of pregnancy. Always consult the patient information leaflet included with the product before use and follow any necessary safety precautions outlined within. If pregnant, before using a new product, please consult your Doctor.

The product is safe to use for adolescents. We do not recommend use on children.


x1 mixing tray
x1 spatula
x1 tube of accelerator powder
x1 tub of lightening cream

The product should be stored in a cool dry place.

This product is no longer tested on animals. Before Regulation EC 1223/2009 on cosmetic products, in February 1988, a primary dermal irritation test in rabbits was carried out to assess the cutaneous tolerability of the product. In 1988 this was the usual procedure for testing the safety of cosmetic products.