Anti-corruption Policy
Anti-Corruption Policy
What this policy covers:
This policy covers our general principles and standards on anti-bribery and corruption. It reinforces our zero tolerance towards all forms of corruption and our commitment to maintaining accurate records of our business dealings.
This policy does not stop us doing legitimate business in the context of promoting products, executing contracts, exchanging scientific and medical information or paying official published fees for the services or goods provided by governments.
Why should you read this?
Our Staff and third parties acting on our behalf are required to understand and comply with our anti-bribery and corruption principles and standards, as well as with all relevant international and domestic legislation. All of us are responsible for preventing any instance of bribery or corruption and for reporting any concern or suspicion so we can identify the risks and conduct any required investigations.
If you breach this policy you may also be breaking the law and could face disciplinary action that could lead to you losing your job, being fined and/or sentenced to prison. Personal funds are not used to circumvent this policy.
We do not, directly or through a third party, promise, offer, make, authorize, solicit or accept any financial or other advantages, to or from anyone to obtain or retain business, or secure an improper advantage in the conduct of business. This rule applies regardless of whether they are government officials or work in a private sector entity.
Financial or other advantages covers anything of value, including cash, gifts, services, job offers, loans, travel expenses, entertainment or hospitality.
We prohibit all facilitation payments as they are bribes. These payments are unofficial, improper, small payments or gifts offered or made to government officials to secure or expedite a routine or necessary action to which we are legally entitled.
Anti-bribery and corruption elements:
- Our leadership and managers lead by example, ensuring our Staff and relevant third parties are aware of the ethical significance and critical role of our anti-bribery and corruption principles and standards.
- All staff have access to the company handbook and the Anti-bribery and Corruption policy.
- We are vigilant of any breaches that may occur. We respond to problems promptly, investigating root causes and establishing remediating plans that help us improve our Program. Those involved in any issue are subject to our disciplinary procedures.
Maintenance of business documentation and financial records:
All our financial books and records accurately reflect and disclose the business rationale, purpose, substance and legality of all our local and cross-border transactions, payments and expenses.
We do not induce third parties to make incomplete or misleading entries in their records.
Contact details
Address: Hush Health Limited, The Old Police Station, Church Street, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 8LN